Coronavirus Is Changing The Way We Think About Apartment Design.

More creatives have been thinking of ways to help improve sanitary conditions as we face the coronavirus pandemic. Last week our team tried their hand at coming up with ways for fast food restaurants to limit their germ transmission. As the pandemic continues, Imagemme has been coming across more stories of designers creating masks and germ proof garments to help people to avoid coming in contact with covid-19. Some companies have even turned to create germ proof packaging. It seems now that architects are giving this wave of sanitary conscious design a try.
An article by “Tree Hugger” discusses the birth of the modern apartment building. The building, called “Onion Flats” is located in Philadelphia and brimming with innovation. Unapologetically not the most attractive of buildings, Tim Mcdonald (the architect) proudly proclaims “we do ugly good”. The exterior of the building is covered in solar panels, in an effort to decrease the buildings electricity footprint; too ultimately reduce power plant emissions. Along with the building’s solar panel aesthetic, The architect has implemented a new bathroom design that helps enhance the sanitary conditions in the apartment space.
“Tree Hugger” writes how he wishes that more apartments included vestibules. He feels that this design is more in line with how people live today. He references how a pair of doctors that he knows comes home and immediately removes their outer garments and scrubs down as if they were still in the operating room. “Onion Flats” has craftily designed an apartment space that allows for people to wash as soon as they enter the apartment. Possibly inspired by the apartment design in Japan, the layout is much more efficient than the current formula used for single family homes. Tim Mcdonald has not only cut the size of the bathroom allowing for more space in the apartment, he’s placed it juxtaposed to the hallway as you enter the residence.
Having the first thing you see as you enter your apartment be the bathroom, would definitely be a way to help people build the habit of washing their hands. Possibly even getting right into the shower after a long day of work.The design, while a simple addition is extremely effective in our fight against corona. The bathroom is also adjoined to a closet where you can leave your shoes and a washer and dryer, giving tenants the opportunity to place dirty clothes in the wash as they enter.